Monday, 25 July 2011

The blessed Ramadhan will be coming...

Ramadhan is just around the corner with counting time is within a week. Some said, first Ramadhan will be on the 1st August. I'm not sure about that but I know the day will come somehow. From this seconds, I started to feel the atmosphere of its bazaar. Ermm...yummy...bazaar means there a lots of delicious food will be sold for fast breaking during nightfall. Well, the definition of Ramadhan itself is not about delicious food only ya...Ramadhan don't make people come gluten. But, Ramadhan is the month where people should take the precious opportunity to heal the sickness if it is related to digestive system like mine..hehe...I meant, my gastritis. This is what the blessed Ramadhan can do. I have been suffering by gastric for about 2 years but when it comes to fasting month, miraculously the pain gone by itself. No heart-burn, no migraine just a slight thirst and a bit hungry with tiredness. Sometimes, I wonder, why people claimed they cannot fast because they have gastric. It's just the reason they cannot skip from feeding their stomach. I have no idea.

Talking about Ramadhan, for about almost 30 years of my life, Ramadhan always gives me some unexplainable feelings. The excitedness. Just like those years before, preparation to welcome the blessed Ramadhan is of course to get mentally and physically prepared. A long day of fasting resulted such a tiring day and that's for sure. Not only controlling the urge of appetites to be fulfilled, but also to abstain the lust from wrongdoings as the claim of religious.

Happy time comes when the call to Maghrib prayer in the invoked. After a long day with no meal fits for the day, all of family members sitting together and praise the thankful to Almighty God for the gift and the bless of life. And Im so thankful too that this year I will manage to have fast breaking at home punctually not like two years back. :))))...there will be no afternoon shift for the whole month of Ramadhan...Big Yeayyyy!!!


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