Tuesday, 12 July 2011

-hAizA, fAthEr & thE crUEl bEE-

Pity haiza. She came to work with bee's sting on her palm. But I laughed. Cruel me? Haha..I laughed because she said she got the sting while riding her father's bike. How come? And the funny part is that her father also had seen the irresponsible bee passing by before it stung Haiza's palm...huhu...like a matrix movement I said. Can u imagine, Haiza and her father and the bee acted just like in the matrix movie..hahahaha...

So sad. She got three stings and it looks so painful and swollen..well Haiza, be patience dear, it is all God's will...who knows the bee is actually the prince of charming whom will propose u later...Hehehe...but the difference is by this time the bee acted aggresively towards u..here I got some'art' for u Haiza...enjoy!

it was a sunny day,
a lovely father & daughter,
were on their way
to the office named call centre

the fresh air breezing,
with a pleasant feelings...
they were so enjoying
their bike riding...

the girl sang happily
she loves to ride her father's bike
she loves to be the only baby
just in her parent's heart....

the pleasure moment ruined..
by the flying bee...
maybe it can't see...
because the wind blew strongly
and accidentally..
attacked her whose in hurry..
painful, swollen, reddish
with 3 stings on her wide palm
she rubbed it with tiger balm
she didn't cry,
she just try
to keep smile
what a strong and patience lady she is
with the disaster that broke her fist
and bee...
u better watch out
with the revenge that not to be missed
coz u just added in her enemy list
geney kitak pande di sengat indah Ull....adoi....kahkahkahkah

and that's the end of the story
Haiza, father and the CRUEL bee


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