Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Its Her calling....

When Kuching was welcoming a sun to be shone again, that dreadful morning.....

Everyone seemed going to work as normal as before.  Got ready logging in to the system.  It was a very peaceful sunday morning I guess.  Weather was fine a day before.  I reached my seat and started talking to Haiza because they had outing the night before that I was unable to join.  Things went fine, just she told me that her mother had a hard coughing since 5am in the morning.  After 1 call she answered, I didn't realize that she got up and heading to the back of the floor.   But I just ignored her, thinking of she might need some private thing on the phone.  I'm not quite sure what time was that. It was maybe around 9am.   She back to the cluster and suddenly said that maybe her mother has gone.  What??  What she's talking about.  She cannot be silly joking with this thing. The first thing came in my head, is she crazy playfully said something like that.  It's not right to say something without clear proves.  I jumped to her and trying to get what does she meant by that.  She looked lost and I never seen her with that blurry face that makes me panic too.  I swear, I was panicking. 

She said she was talking to her father a while ago and that she got the news.  It can't be.  It was not her mother whom had been sick.   It was her father.  I knew it.  I follow the progress everyday since last December because my mother also had been having high fever during the new year and I understand how is the worry.  She seemed cannot think and I just helped her logging out from the system and get ready because Sapot is on the way to fetch her.  As I walk her down to the lobby, I myself didn't dare to believe the possibility.  I spoke to Sapot on the phone asking her more further and she started sobbing over there which giving me a sign about what scares me is true.  I just silent and still calming Haiza to pray that maybe her mother just passed out.  She asked me to go back to work worrying that I will waste my aux time accompanying her.  After a few minutes, before I left her waiting for Sapot, I once again said everything will be going all right and text me for updates.  Just pray Haiza, just pray.  Your mother is not that sick.  She might just faint.

Not reach than 15 minutes later,  I saw Gurl started sobbing the next two seat from me.  For the real confession, my heart was pounding hardly before I grabbed my vibrated phone and got the message from Sapot telling me that Haiza's mother had gone forever.  Allahu Akbar, Al-mighty God Allah for the fate, everything that alive will die someday.  It's her calling to return to the only One.  I didn't say anything, neither from my mouth nor my heart.  I had the feeling sometimes ago.  The feeling of losing someone we need, we love and we live to die for.


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